Tuesday, May 18, 2021

John Kerry's Recent Climate Claim Is So Dumb He Gets Dunked On by Greta Thunberg

John Kerry's Recent Climate Claim Is So Dumb He Gets Dunked On by Greta Thunberg
Brodigan - May 18, 2021 at 07:27AM

John Kerry and Greta Thunberg represent both spectrums of leftist climate alarmism. Kerry is more old-school, trained under Al Gore. He lectures people about making changes the private jet-flying failed presidential candidate hypocritically doesn't make himself. Thunberg, who isn't a scientist, is much more hard-core. She's miserable and wants everyone else to be miserable right now! It's the only way to save Earth! Which is literally dying literally!

When Horseface said we can reach all of progressives' soggiest dreams of ZERO emissions without making any changes to our lifestyles, just not until scientists invent the technology to do so, little Greta was not amused. Though instead of another insufferable lecture, she tried her hand at snark.

Great news! I spoke to Harry Potter and he said he will team up with Gandalf, Sherlock Holmes & The Avengers and get started right away!

Here's Kerry's full quote:

You don't have to give up a quality of life to achieve some of the things that we know we have to achieve. That's the brilliance of some of the things that we know how to do. I am told by scientists that 50% of the reductions we have to make to get to net zero are going to come from technologies that we don't yet have. That's just a reality.

Greta is not without a point. I'm sure there are "scientists" who claim we can have flying cars, teleportation devices, and battle armor as soon as someone comes along to invent those too. It's just funny to see Democrats called out on their bullshit by people who were raised to believe it.

Kerry comes from a sleeper cell on the left that uses the politics of climate fear just enough to get elected. They then proceed to not do anything other than talk about how we need to do something. Children like Greta (and Rep. AOC) have been raised/abused by their parents to live in total terror. The sky is falling! The Earth is on fire! Eat your bugs! Fear is all they know, and they demand other people's lives be as miserable as theirs are. Even though I'd venture to say most people enjoy things like cars, electricity, and cheeseburgers.

What will be interesting is to see the left's reaction to little Greta as she criticizes more Democrats. Democrats only have use for children when they can be wielded as a political weapon against the right.

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