Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Black Mother Obliterates School Board Over Critical Race Theory: 'Look at Me!'

Black Mother Obliterates School Board Over Critical Race Theory: 'Look at Me!'
Brodigan - May 12, 2021 at 08:52AM

If the pandemic and the lockdowns were good for one thing, it was to force Americans to pay closer attention to local government. Americans saw how easily their freedoms can be taken away and have decided it's time to remind elected officials who they work for. People are angry, and this anger is really being taken out at school board meetings. We've seen parents deservedly light up board members over school closures, what masks are doing to our kids, and anti-racism virtue-signaling. As more school districts start to indoctrinate our kids with "critical Race theory," you're going to see more fed-up parents like this mother.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Side note: Am I alone in being surprised leftists haven't tried canceling Dr. King yet?

Now I have a dream that we will implement love, not hate. Or supporting another Jim Crow's agenda. CRT is not an honest dialogue. It is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so WE could not think for ourselves. CRT is racist. It is abusive. It discriminates against one's color. Let me educate you. An honest dialogue does not oppress. An honest dialogue does not implement hatred or injustice. It's to communicate without deceiving people. Today, we don't need your agreement. We want action and a backbone for what we ask for today: To ban CRT. We don't want your political advertisement to divide our children or belittle them. Think twice before you indoctrinate such racist theories. You can not tell me what is or is not racist. LOOK AT ME!

I so wish the camera panned to school board members avoiding eye contact.

I had to come down here today to tell you to your face that we are coming together and we are strong. This will not be the last greet and meet.

CRT, to sum up in three words or less, is Marxist bullshit. Three Marxist authors (one of whom is a white broad) wrote things that made white liberals feel bad about themselves. "Anti-racism" is the popular catchphrase, for those of you silly enough to think you could just simply not hate people because of their race. The intent is to indoctrinate kids as young as they can get away with into thinking America not only is a racist country but has also always been a racist country. Liberals already claim if you disagree with them on any issue, it's because of racism. Teaching five-year-olds that they were born racist just makes things easier when those kids are old enough to vote. Elitists support CRT. Parents of ALL RACES oppose it.

Here's my question though. Because we've seen a lot of videos like these make their way around the interwebs. Are there videos of people showing up at school board meetings SUPPORTING adding CRT to schools? I'd be curious to see if there were.

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