Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Arab-Israeli Activist Unloads on AOC, Other Squad Member's Antisemitism: 'These Idiots ...'

Arab-Israeli Activist Unloads on AOC, Other Squad Member's Antisemitism: 'These Idiots ...'
Brodigan - May 26, 2021 at 07:25AM

On the most recent edition of the Louder with Crenshaw podcast, Dan Crenshaw was joined by Arab-Israeli activist Yoseph Haddad. Haddad is an Arab living IN Israel, giving him a unique perspective of the current brouhaha going on over there. A brouhaha that has Israel defending itself from terror attacks committed by terrorists.

Haddad also notices an increase in antisemitic attacks here in America, and he has an idea of what's causing them. Not "what." More like "who." Rep. AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and the rest of The Squad.

As an Arab, I am telling you. It's either they are ignorant and they have no idea what's going on. Or, they are absolutely lying.

It's a little from column A and a little from column B.

Sorry for being so straightforward, but those IDIOTS who say that [Israel] is an apartheid country, sometimes I question how they become congressmen and women. From my humble position here in Israel, I really don't understand how.

It's one part decades of redistricting, two parts low information voters, and a healthy dash of the GOP giving up on their districts and not providing an alternative.

Understand that the people twisting the fact actually harm us, the Arabs in Israel. Because instead of focusing and saying the truth, and trying to find the solution for our problems, they want to cause more problems. And yes, I am talking about some like Rashida Tlaib, who is a native Palestinian. I am talking to someone exactly like her. She doing more damage that helping, and she doesn't realize that because she doesn't live with consequences. Ilhan Omar, Cory Bush, Cortez ... I see a lot of antisemitism in the United States and violence, and I must tell you right now I do see a connection between their incitements and lies and twisting the facts, to what's going on in the street of the United States.

He's talking about this. Also, this too. One might call it the "AOC Effect." Or, they would if Rep. AOC was Donald Trump.

The American media would cover the attacks more too if that was the case. But now that Democrats have gotten their talking points that there are "very fine people on both sides" of the terror attacks being committed, Rep. AOC and the Squad are absolved of all wrongdoing.

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from Steven Crowder Says