Thursday, May 27, 2021

Tucker Carlson Exposes Media 'Updating Their Lies' Over 'Wuhan Lab Theory'

Tucker Carlson Exposes Media 'Updating Their Lies' Over 'Wuhan Lab Theory'
Brodigan - May 27, 2021 at 07:25AM

Facebook on Wednesday decided we're allowed to claim the 'rona may have been caused by man. The "Wuhan Lab Theory" which claims the virus that's wreaked havoc on the planet may have been man-made in a Wuhan lab. It's what a lot of people assume anyway. But if you said so on Facebook, it was considered a conspiracy theory. Any and all posts remotely on the topic were removed with the full support of the Democrat Party. Facebook claimed the decision to censor what information users were allowed to see was made "following consultations with leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization" who "debunked" it. Yes, the same WHO that's (allegedly) in the pocket of Communist China. The same Communist China that Wuhan is in.

However, now that the "right" people are saying the 'rona could be man-made, suddenly this is no longer a conspiracy theory. Curious what changed and how we got to this point? Here's Tucker Carlson with a handy explainer.

from Steven Crowder Says