Saturday, May 29, 2021

Reset the 'Days Since' Counter: Joe Biden Makes Creepy Comments to Little Girl

Reset the 'Days Since' Counter: Joe Biden Makes Creepy Comments to Little Girl
Brodigan - May 29, 2021 at 07:36AM

Be honest. You're surprised Joe Biden made it this long without publically hitting on a kid. Biden's handlers can only handle so much before he goes off-script. Here's the most popular president ever at a Virginia speech. After saying nice things about blackface aficionado Gov. Ralph Northam - a man he implied was racist when it was politically expedient to do so - Biden spotted his prey sitting next to her mommy in the audience.

Someone get To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen on the line because grandpa is at it again.

I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I'll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.

Really, the look on the face of the sign language interpreter says it all.

Does he not hear the words coming out of his mouth? You know he's been talked to about it. They forced him to issue a non-apology "apology" during the Democrat primary. But that was the bygone era of 2019 when other Democrats briefly decided Biden being a lecherous old coot was a bad thing. Again, Democrats are all about pretending to be moral for political expediency. Prior to that and since then, "meh." That's Joe being Joe. Flirting with children and bad-touching women is just his charm.

If there is one saving grace it's that Biden was on stage and not within arms reach of the little girl. Upon seeing the barrettes in her hair, he would have gone in for a sniff. The media would all be totes cool with it as long as he bought ice cream after.

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