Monday, May 17, 2021

Eat Your Bugs: WaPo Reporter Desecrates All That Is Holy and  Makes Cicada Tacos

Eat Your Bugs: WaPo Reporter Desecrates All That Is Holy and  Makes Cicada Tacos
Brodigan - May 17, 2021 at 08:50AM

Joe Biden does NOT have a plan, currently, to eliminate beef. The reason why people misread an article claiming so is because the radical left that controls Biden DOES have a plan to eliminate beef. That includes switching from eating meat to eating bugs. Whether or not Washington Post video journalist Jorge Ribas chose to desecrate the taco in such a manner for political or environmental reasons is unknown. I just hope his abuela is beating the crap out of him with a chancleta because of it.

As disturbing as this may sound, this is only the second most disgusting bug-related story that has been on this website.

Cicadas are those annoying bugs that show up in the spring and summertime and never shut up at night. A normal person wants to exterminate them by dousing them with harsh chemicals and pesticides. Not paprika, ancho, and cumin.

The fact that there was a thought process as to what specific breed of cicada would make the best taco caused me to throw up in my mouth a little. Actually, that's a lie. It's all over my MacBook.

"The key is loading it with enough taco seasoning that you can't taste anything else." SPOILER: that's a sign that eating bugs is a disgusting. When you BBQ or cook with actual meat, the seasoning is supposed to just accent the meat. Meat is delicious enough on its own. Instead of eating the bugs, just pour a few packets of Goya down your throat.

If this was done to convince people they should "eat their bugs" to save the environment, it failed. Maybe he just lost a bet. And that was the reason he would do this. Whatever his reasoning, tacos are meant to unite us instead of divide us. I need to double how much meat I make for Taco Tuesday tomorrow. Order needs to be restored to the universe.

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