Sunday, May 30, 2021

Angry Joe Biden Confuses Declaration of Independence Again, Forgets What's After 'Life and Liberty'

Angry Joe Biden Confuses Declaration of Independence Again, Forgets What's After 'Life and Liberty'
Brodigan - May 30, 2021 at 07:53AM

The most popular part of our Declaration of Independence is the bars about inalienable rights and self-evident truths. It's the first sentence of the second paragraph. It's all of 35 words. School children are able to memorize it for book reports. Our president Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, gets confused by one of our most important founding documents. He gets confused about where he is, who the lady is that keeps measuring the curtains in the Oval Office, and who dropped a dookie in his pants too. What we expect from Biden is judged on a "senile old coot" scale. But having to remember famous quotes is public speaking 101.

Biden was attempting a speech in Norfolk on Friday. I'm not quite sure why he's angry here. It might be because the little girl in the front row wasn't flirting back at him.

from Steven Crowder Says