Thursday, May 13, 2021

Joe Biden Brain-Farts and Invents New Number: A Trillion Million Billion

Joe Biden Brain-Farts and Invents New Number: A Trillion Million Billion
Brodigan - May 13, 2021 at 07:10AM

When Joe Biden tells reporters "I shouldn't be taking your questions," I try not to jump on him for it. In his senile, old coot, pudding-headed way, I think he thinks he's being funny. Better to joke about that than ask Peter Doocy to pull his finger. If he blames any more of his old-man farts on the dogs, they're both going to be put down. But really, Joe Biden shouldn't be taking questions from anyone. Joe Biden shouldn't be president. He should be sitting on a front porch in Delaware with his name pinned to his sweater in case he wanders off. But until the senior abuse charges against Kamala Harris and Jill Biden are finally filed, we're stuck with him until it's time to vote for Ron DeSantis in 2024.

Biden had a kibitiz with MSNBC, where I think he was talking about hiring more IRS agents to audit successful people. Emphasis on I think, because the letters "IRS" are the only intelligible thing he says.

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