Monday, May 17, 2021

Bill Gates Asked His Friend's Advice for Divorcing His Wife. His Friend ... Jeffrey Epstein

Bill Gates Asked His Friend's Advice for Divorcing His Wife. His Friend ... Jeffrey Epstein
Brodigan - May 17, 2021 at 12:37PM

There are few things on this planet worse than pedophiles, but Microsoft Windows comes close. So it's no surprise to read in the New York Post that Bill Gates used to pal around with Jeffrey Epstein. It makes sense that they'd be chums. Both are known for funding the Democrat Party. One is a creepy little bastard you wouldn't want around your family members. The other provided Bill Clinton with underage whores.

During these pow-wows that I'm sure didn't involve any of Epstein's sex slaves, Gates would turn to Epstein for advice on how to deal with his "toxic" marriage to Melinda. Yes, the same Melinda he is now divorcing. Yes, the same Melinda we're recently hearing didn't like her husband hanging out with Jeffery Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly gave advice to Bill Gates about ending his marriage with his now-estranged wife, Melinda, during meetings the two had at the pedophile's Manhattan townhouse. Epstein, who killed himself in August 2019 in a Lower Manhattan jail cell ...

Before we go any further, some of you may have heard that Epstein didn't kill himself. While it is believed by many that Epstein didn't kill himself, it has yet to be proven by independent "fact" checkers that Epstein didn't kill himself. Therefore we will not be saying that Epstein didn't kill himself.

Epstein and Gates met dozens of times from 2011 to 2014, the report said, with Gates treating the get-togethers as an escape. During some of the meetings, Gates spoke to Epstein about possibly getting involved with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the report said.

A spokesman for Bill Gates, as you can imagine, denied everything.

Unclear in the reporting is what relationship advice Epstein gave Gates. It couldn't have been very good, because it took Gates an additional seven years to decide it was no longer cheaper to keep her. It also doesn't say much for Melinda's future dating prospects that her ex-husband would rather hang out with a pedophile than listen to her nagging him about when Operation: Accinationvey Ontrolcey was finally going to launch.

It just sure is a shame Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. He might have been able to provide us with the answers we need.

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