Tuesday, May 11, 2021

AOC Berated, Threw Tantrum at Border Patrol Agent Because She's AOC and That's What AOC Does

AOC Berated, Threw Tantrum at Border Patrol Agent Because She's AOC and That's What AOC Does
Brodigan - May 11, 2021 at 07:53AM

In 2019, social media influencer Rep. AOC held a photo shoot outside a parking lot. She was there as part of her side hustle as a congresswoman and posed pretending to cry over what was then considered a border crisis. Or, allegedly pretended, according to Politifact. I'll let you decide who you believe. We're finding out now that Rep. AOC did more than pose for pictures. She actually toured a facility, where she had a hissy fit and did other Rep. AOC things.

According to the Daily Signal:

An "agitated and animated" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., began "pointing and screaming" at a female agent during a 2019 visit to a Border Patrol station in El Paso, Texas, according to government documents. Ocasio-Cortez said the Border Patrol agent—whose name is redacted in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection documents—used her cellphone to take a photograph of herself with the New York congresswoman in the background.

Other agents deny the photo took place. Names were redacted from the memo, but this part is my favorite:

Ms. Ocasio became more animated and began to stomp her foot she then said 'I as a woman of color do not feel safe here, as women of color none of us feel safe here, nobody of color feels safe here.' Ms. Ocasio then stormed out of the area to confront the female agent.

We had written about Rep. AOC allegedly having a hissy fit, then refusing an actual tour, last summer. The word allegedly can now be removed after reading these memos. To paraphrase legendary motivational speaker Dennis Green, Rep. AOC was who we said she was.

As fun as it is to dunk on Rep. AOC, the bigger problem is sad. Much like police, Border Patrol agents get put in horrible situations because of Democrat policies. They then get attacked for doing their job by those same Democrats any time an elected official thinks they can score a single political point. Then you have silly people like Rep. AOC who don't understand the problem or understand how they make matters worse. They just know they'll trend on social media if they carry on enough.

Our Border Patrol agents need to be treated with more respect. Rep. AOC needs to calm down.

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