Saturday, May 22, 2021

Chris Cuomo Sets All-Time Virtue Signalling Record: Driving Alone in a Convertible Wearing a Mask

Chris Cuomo Sets All-Time Virtue Signalling Record: Driving Alone in a Convertible Wearing a Mask
Brodigan - May 22, 2021 at 10:17AM

Chris Cuomo is a walking, talking feminine hygiene product. He's Andrew's Idiot Brother except for the times Andy is Chris's Idiot Brother. Chris's already impressive douchiness hit brand new heights during the pandemic. This is the same guy who claimed on CNN -- the "news" network -- that he emerged from his covid cacoon even though we know he was out and about picking fights with cyclists. Cuomo would regularly lecture Americans about wearing masks, then get caught not wearing a mask on multiple occasions. Now that science tells us we can stop covering our faces, the fully vaccinated Cuomo is out and about ... masked. Alone. In a convertible. With the top down. Chris Cuomo is driving alone in a convertible with the top down while wearing a mask.

It's impressive, really. Kudos to the New York Post for this earth-shattering exclusive!

Fully vaccinated CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has taken mask-wearing to absurd heights — covering his face as he cruised alone in a convertible with the top down amid the latest scandal to hit his family. Photos show the “Cuomo Prime Time" host wearing a surgical mask and waving as he rolled through Sag Harbor in his blue Firebird with an expired inspection sticker on Thursday, despite CDC and state guidance that says it's safe for people vaccinated against COVID-19 to go mask-free outside.

Scroll through responses to the Post's tweet, you'll see Cuomo fans claiming conservatives are acting "triggered" because Cuomo chose to wear a mask. That's not the case at all. None of us are angry or outraged. We're mocking him because he looks like an idiot. Even in the height of the 'rona, people who wore masks while driving alone were deserving of ridicule. This is fifteen months after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve." He's had his shots. "Science" now tells us people who have had their shots can lose the chin diapers. He's alone and, technically, outside. Also, and I can't stress this enough, Chris Cuomo is a giant douchelord. Hence him signaling his virtue so brightly, it shines into Brian Stelter's apartment reminding HIM to mask up while he sits lonely and surrounded by empty Pringles containers.

We've been sitting through a year and a half of lectures AND we all hate Chris Cuomo. I'm going to enjoy a few laughs while enjoying the sun on my naked face. Like, I've been doing this entire time.

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