Thursday, May 27, 2021

SHOW NOTES: Where Do We Go From Here?! China's Infiltration of American Culture EXPOSED!

SHOW NOTES: Where Do We Go From Here?! China's Infiltration of American Culture EXPOSED!
Brodigan - May 27, 2021 at 09:21AM

From Hollywood to COVID-19 to Joe Biden, China has been getting its hands on every aspect of American culture. We expose how and why that's a problem. Also, this may surprise you, but Biden's nominee to lead the ATF is a complete imbecile when it comes to guns. With special guest RUDY GULIANI.



  • Joe Biden's nominee for ATF director David Chipman said he supports a ban on AR-15s, but he couldn't even define what an "assault weapon" is. SOURCE: YouTube
  • David Chipman spent 25 years as a special agent in the ATF and currently works as a senior policy advisor at Giffords, a research organization that promotes gun control. SOURCE: LinkedIn
  • He was a case agent for the ATF in the Waco Branch Davidian trial. SOURCE:
  • He was also working for the ATF during Obama's Fast and Furious scandal, where guns were purposely trafficked across the Southern border. SOURCES: Forbes, Congress
  • Two of those guns were found where Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by smugglers. SOURCE: New York Times


  • Joe Biden called for a thorough investigation by US Intelligence agencies into the origins of the virus -- just a day after shutting down the Trump administration's investigation. SOURCE: Washington Post
  • Facebook lifted its ban on posts saying that Covid was man-made. SOURCE: ABC
  • YouTube still has a rule to take down anyone who goes against the WHO.

  • The View discussed Dr Fauci and the origins of COVID. SOURCE: YouTube
  • CLAIM: "The prior administration bungled vaccine rollout."
    • Operation Warp Speed created the first viable vaccine, Pfizer, in 6 months -- which is unheard of -- and vaccinated 13.5 million people. SOURCES:, Newsweek
    • As of December 31, 2020, the federal government had a contract to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses to be delivered by July 31, 2021. SOURCE: GAO
  • CLAIM: "The President said to swallow bleach." Actually, President Trump was talking about the possibility of UV light or disinfectants in combating COVID-19. SOURCE: Twitter


  • In December, this video of Professor Di Dongsheng circulated because he confirmed what most rational people already suspected -- China has an enormous influence on the United States. SOURCE:
  • Eric Swalwell and Dianne Feinstein both had ties to known Chinese spies. SOURCES: CBS News, Washington Post
  • China's grip on the US is not only limited to politics. China has also thoroughly invaded American culture.
    • JOHN CENA: John Cena apologized to China for calling Taiwan a country. SOURCE: Twitter
    • NBA/ESPN- In 2019, ESPN and the NBA were barred from talking about the Hong Kong protests.
      • Chuck Salituro, the senior news director of ESPN, sent a memo mandating any discussion of Daryl Morey avoid mentioning China and Hong Kong. SOURCE: Deadspin
      • As a reminder, Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey sparked controversy after tweeting "Stand for freedom, fight for Hong Kong."

      • This tweet caused numerous Chinese companies to withdraw sponsorships of the Houston Rockets, and the Chinese internet/cable provider Tencent stopped airing Rockets games. SOURCES: Deadspin, Reuters
      • The NBA posted two different statements reacting to Morey's tweet, one in English and one in Chinese.
        • The Chinese statement was posted on Weibo and said the NBA was "extremely disappointed" by the "inappropriate comment" and that Morey's view "severely hurt the feelings of Chinese fans." SOURCE: ABC
        • The English version, however, given by NBA spokesman Mike Bass, read: "We recognize that the views expressed by Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable." SOURCE: ABC
        • It never used the words "extremely disappointed" or "inappropriate."
  • HOLLYWOOD: Hollywood self-censorship is pretty common since China only allows 34 foreign movies per year
    • Stephen Colbert admitted this was a problem back in 2015. The Late Show
    • Colbert said China's movie market was second only to the US. That was true, until 2020 when China's movie market actually surpassed the US because Covid shuttered theaters. SOURCE: Hollywood Reporter
    • Only China and India have a bigger domestic movie market than the foreign market, AKA the US. SOURCE: Statista
    • But Hollywood still competes to get their movies in China. So China doesn't need Hollywood, Hollywood needs China.
    • Back in 2019, Top Gun had to remove a Taiwan flag from Tom Cruise's jacket, because they were backed by the Chinese cable company Tencent. SOURCE: CNN
    • In 2011, MGM studios had to digitally edit flags and logos of the villains to replace the Chinese flag with the North Korean flag in its remake of Red Dawn. SOURCE: TheWeek
    • Hollywood has already changed all of their branding to take black people off the posters for Chinese audiences. SOURCE: Google
  • BIG TECH: In 2019, Apple pulled the police-tracking app used by Hong Kong protestors from the app store after facing criticism from China. SOURCE: New York Times
  • DISNEY: In 2020, Disney filmed its live-action Mulan remake in Xinjiang, next to the Uighur camps, and its end credits thanked Chinese government entities.
    • Even Jake Tapper acknowledged this was messed up. SOURCE: CNN
    • But Disney has threatened to boycott Georgia twice over proposed conservative laws: once in 2016 over a religious liberty bill, and again in 2019 over the heartbeat abortion bill. SOURCES: Huffington Post, Yahoo

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