Thursday, May 27, 2021

Black Mom Destroys Mayonnaise-Looking School Board Forcing 'Garbage' Critical Race Theory on Kids

Black Mom Destroys Mayonnaise-Looking School Board Forcing 'Garbage' Critical Race Theory on Kids
Brodigan - May 27, 2021 at 12:48PM

Shutting America down was the worst thing to happen to local government and other assorted bureaucrats. Once people were told they couldn't go to work or leave their homes, there were no more distractions from what really gets taught in schools. Or even more specifically, the extreme leftist agenda being pushed in schools. School boards are justifiably hearing it from everyone: white, black, AAPI, and even adorable little children. Each video of civic-minded residents lighting up the idiots behind the scenes grows more and more patriotic.

The latest video making it's way around the interwebs is from this Ohio school board meeting. It starts with an African-American mother sharing a story about the two doctors she raised and how everyone in the district got along. It ends with the mayonnaise-looking school board president trying to whitesplain to her about time limits.

This starts at the 45:00 minute mark. If for some reason it doesn't, fast forward to the 45:00 mark.

from Steven Crowder Says