Friday, May 7, 2021

Jobs Report: Joe Biden Thinks Paying People Not to Work ISN'T Why They Aren't Working

Jobs Report: Joe Biden Thinks Paying People Not to Work ISN'T Why They Aren't Working
Brodigan - May 07, 2021 at 01:19PM

I want to put today's jobs report in perspective. Donald Trump had tremendous job growth and even led a post-pandemic economic recovery. But Trump was a jerk on Twitter, so people voted for Joe Biden. And today, Biden missed analysts' jobs goals by 75%. They were expecting over a million new jobs, yet only got 266,000. For those of you old enough to have still been taught math (before leftists deemed math racist), 266,000 is LESS THAN 1,000,000.

One might be inclined to believe missing the goal so badly is because of Biden's stimulus plan. One of the provisions increased unemployment aid to the point where people are paid more mooching off the government than they would be holding a job down like a useful member of society. Struggling businesses are struggling to find people to work and therefore struggling more. One might, mayhaps, think THAT might have something to do with today's horrible unemployment rate. But Joe Biden and his administration would like to assure you that it is NOT that. Or in any way their fault.

Actually, you pudding-brained old fart, today's jobs numbers were very measurable. As was this statement from Sen. Ben Sasse.

We should be clear about the policy failure at work here: There are 7,400,000 jobs open in the US -- but fewer than 300,000 people found new work last month. Why? This tragedy is what happens when Washingon know-it-all's decide to pretend they're generous by paying more for unemployment than for work.

Could this just be an outlier? I guess it could. The problem with wildin' out over anyone's jobs report is that it can go in the other direction the next month. Everyone finds themselves having the exact opposite opinion as they did the month before. But everything I'm reading from the people who control Biden is how the real problem is that the government hasn't spent enough money. We need a MORE BETTER BIGGER stimulus! Inflation, math, and any actual results be damned!

Our government is run by nincompoops.

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