Monday, January 3, 2022

Guy Has Angry-Old-Man Meltdown, Freaks Out on Customer Who Pulled Mask Down... to Smell a Candle

Guy Has Angry-Old-Man Meltdown, Freaks Out on Customer Who Pulled Mask Down... to Smell a Candle
Brodigan - January 03, 2022 at 08:09AM

Welcome to the first mask zealot meltdown of 2022. Of course, it would be in Canada. Where a dude pulled his mask down to smell a candle and a store employee freaks out on him over it. If you're saying to yourself, "Self, how else is one to smell a candle before purchasing it?" that's an excellent point and one the customer attempted to make. But the store employee had his cranky pants on.

You know the viral disclaimer. Allow for missing context and so on. Mayhaps the candle sniffer here was the aggressor. I doubt it. My experience is always that the person melting down over a mask not being worn properly is, in fact, the asshole in the situation. I am just not able to 100% confirm that at the present time.

ANGRY OLD MAN: No pictures in the store, please.

CANDLE SNIFFER: It's not a picture. It's a video.

A second employee started to scream PULL YOUR MASK UP. The candle sniffer came to the conclusion that his money and patronage were not welcome at this Dollarama. He left while the angry old man followed him out, lecturing the entire time. Another masked customer--everyone involved was WEARING masks, just one may not have been all the way over a nose for a moment--came to Candle Sniffer's aide. Alas, it was too late. The shopping experience was ruined.

And look, I get it. I too used to work in retail and hated my life for it. It's soul-crushing. This incident could have happened on New Year's Day, and perhaps a hangover was involved. We've all been there. I'd offer just one piece of advice. When your store looks to be empty, it's considered bad customer service to scream at the one customer you do have.

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