Friday, June 25, 2021

Video Illustrates What Happens When You Try Carjacking a Gun Owner. Also, It's Hilarious!

Video Illustrates What Happens When You Try Carjacking a Gun Owner. Also, It's Hilarious!
Brodigan - June 25, 2021 at 07:43AM

Crime is on the rise in American cities, generally where citizens vote for the same failed leaders. HINT: It rhymes with Schmemocrats. Some point to how city councils have legalized stealing. Idiots think there is a correlation between crime and the number of jails we build. Joe Biden said yesterday crime is on the rise because there are too many guns. Whether or not Joe Biden knew where he was when he said that is open for debate. I can, however, think of one person who was happy he had a gun and how said firearm allowed him to prevent a crime.

It's this guy. And this video is NSFW.

It's a stick. Can you even drive a stick?

That was the only bit of dialogue I'm allowed to transcribe.

I'd also like to point something else out. The leftists who push the policies that are causing the rise in crime also have a weird fantasy that cops go out looking for excuses to shoot people if those people have a particular complexion. Notice no one got shot here. The man holding the gun sounded like he was on the phone with dispatch. Cops were polite to him. He was polite to cops. The guy who tried jacking the wrong car was taken away. This is how 99.86% of police interactions go. Just saying.

The hero here is of course the Second Amendment advocate. For stopping the carjacking. And more importantly, for having the instincts to record the interaction for the entertainment of a grateful internet.

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