Friday, June 11, 2021

Chilling Video Shows How Little Time Cops Have When Someone Pulls a Gun on Them

Chilling Video Shows How Little Time Cops Have When Someone Pulls a Gun on Them
Brodigan - June 11, 2021 at 08:40AM

There are progressive numbskulls in this country who feel cops should, when face with an armed confrontation, shoot their gun in the air. Or, shoot the perp in the leg. Or, not shoot the perp, let the perp stab another person to death, then blame the cop for letting that happen. Bottom line, however the cops discharge their weapons, it's wrong in the eyes of most Democrats and the nincompoop activists they pander to. I don't know if the Chicago police had any of that in mind when they released this bodycam video. But it's a useful video to see and share.

Incredible video shows how quickly an armed confrontation can go south. Two Chicago Police officers, including the one who's wearing the camera that filmed this video, were shot. So was the gunman. All survived.

This is how little time police to have to make a life-or-death decision. Whenever police leave their house and kiss their family goodbye wondering if they'll make it home that day, these are the situations they're concerned about. A split second in the other direction, we'd be watching something entirely different. CNN and the Biden administration don't want you to know this. It makes it easier for them to cherry-pick other armed confrontations they can exploit for political reasons. Cops don't have the time to worry about that when faced with situations like this.

If they start to, more and more videos like this are going to turn tragic. And most likely ignored by the media.

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