Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Biden Issuing Threats? Claims Gun Owners Will Need F-15s, Nukes to Take On Government

Biden Issuing Threats? Claims Gun Owners Will Need F-15s, Nukes to Take On Government
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 05:40PM

When Joe Biden talks about guns, you can't ignore him anymore. He's a blithering idiot when it comes to guns. Who puts blithering idiots in charge of regulating guns. But he's a blithering idiot who has the power to strip people of their second amendment rights if we let him. And now, he's just making threats without understanding the words coming out of his mouth. Hopefully, that's what happened today.

President Puddinghead gave a speech where he blames the rise in violent crime on guns. No, NOT the liberal cities with the highest gun regulations where crime is happening. The fault in Biden's eyes is the guns. Spot the problem with what he says.

The second amendment from the day it was passed limited the people who could own a gun.


And what type of weapon you can own.

Still no. Those are bad. But after some mumbling, he found his way to this.

If you wanna think you need weapons to take on the government, you need F-15's and maybe some nuclear weapons.

People don't think they need weapons to "take on" the government. They need weapons to protect themselves in the event a government gets too uppity and tries taking away its citizens' rights. The types of governments you have to worry about? THE KIND THAT THREATENS YOU WITH F-15'S AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

Biden doesn't always know what he's saying, and he sometimes confuses the words people write for him. I'd like to think he didn't "issue" a threat as much as he just said words. Verbal diarrhea, if you will. Thankfully not in his pants this time. However, this is the same president who thinks Americans "yield their rights to the government." That statement could also be another case of him not knowing what we actually said. I'm being charitable for the usual Big Tech reasons. But I know that you know that I know that you know.

The problem with Biden making idiotic statements like this is one of two things. The first is that the leader of the free world doesn't actually understand what he's saying when he says it. The other is that the people who run Biden understand what he's saying because it's exactly what they want him to say.

This is gonna get worse.

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