Friday, June 25, 2021

Biden Administration Won't Stop Lying About Georgia Voter Law, Announces DOJ Lawsuit

Biden Administration Won't Stop Lying About Georgia Voter Law, Announces DOJ Lawsuit
Brodigan - June 25, 2021 at 01:18PM

Joe Biden still has Georgia on his mind. Or, on what's left of his mind. Our dude's pilot light is out more than it's on lately. He's back to lying about Georgia's vote integrity law. You would think we'd be done with this after he got called out by sympathetic fact-checkers over the untruths he was spouting. If that wasn't enough, Stacey Abrams just exposed herself by suddenly coming out in support of voter ID after polls showed it as a losing issue for liberals. The Georgia voter law isn't what the people who never read the legislation said it is.

But after he failed at nationalizing elections with the Corrupt Politicians Act, Biden is back to calling the Georgia law RAAAAAAAACIST. He's sending Attorney General Merrick Garland to sue the state. And I quote:

Our complaint alleges that recent changes to Georgia's election laws were enacted with the purpose of denying or abridging the right of Black Georgians to vote on account of their race or color, in violation of Section Two of the Voting Rights Act.

They aren't going after New York, where laws are more restrictive. They aren't going against Joe Biden's home state of Delaware, where the laws are more restrictive. You would think if Biden was interested in rooting out "systemic racism" in voting laws, he'd start with the state he's been representing for the last 217 years. They aren't going after Florida, because they know Ron DeSantis would make them cry mean girl tears.

The Biden DOJ is suing Georgia because that's the state they were successful in getting the media to label as RAAAAAAAAACIST. Facts, shmacts. Liberals have an agenda to ram through.

What makes this interesting is that while Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams get away with lying to the media, if this case makes it to the Supreme Court, the justices tend to put facts over gaslighting. A Supreme Court decision stating that when Democrats claim voting laws are racist they are lying liars who lie would be devastating for them. Hysterical for the rest of Americans.

It would be Merrick Garland getting defeated by the Supreme Court. You can't write that irony.

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