Friday, June 25, 2021

Absolutely NOT: Congresswoman with Kamala Harris Declares Southern Border 'New Ellis Island'

Absolutely NOT: Congresswoman with Kamala Harris Declares Southern Border 'New Ellis Island'
Brodigan - June 25, 2021 at 11:34AM

If you weren't cynical enough about Kamala Harris visiting the "border" after being trolled into doing so by Donald Trump, I give you Congresswoman Veronica Escobar. They're trying to make "New Ellis Island" a thing.

Welcome to El Paso. Welcome to my community. To the NEW ELLIS ISLAND. To the capital of the border.

How did we get here?

It started with Joe Biden creating a border crisis. He didn't want to fix it, so he put Kamala Harris in charge. She sucked at it. She refused to visit the border. When she tried to visit Central America, it was an unmitigated disaster. Then former President Trump announced he is visiting the border next week, so Harris booked a trip today. She claims she was planning to do so in March even though she said in April she wasn't. The only people who believe her are CNN.

Oh, and there's this.

The Biden administration wants you to believe there isn't a crisis at the southern border. This may be an unpopular opinion to say out loud, but, technically, they have a point. A "crisis" is something you don't want to happen. What is happening at the border right now is happening EXACTLY the way the people who run Joe Biden want it to happen. If it wasn't clear before, the newspeak branding of "New Ellis Island" makes it undeniable.

The Biden administration created the crisis. Now they're going to create the ways to fix the crisis they created. Any American who pushes back or calls them out on it will be told they're raaaaaaacists who oppose the New Ellis Island.

None of this is to say Kamala can't still screw something up during today's "visit" to the "border." She's not very good at vice presidenting.

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