Friday, June 25, 2021

Abused Foster Child Demands School Board Explain to Her: 'What Exactly Is My Privilege?'

Abused Foster Child Demands School Board Explain to Her: 'What Exactly Is My Privilege?'
Brodigan - June 25, 2021 at 08:52AM

It's one thing for nine- and ten-year-olds to give speeches about adult things. An argument can be made that there may be adult coaching. The people making that argument can take their Greta Thunberg and David Hogg worship and STFU. But they can make the argument before they do. No one chooses to speak out like this preteen girl does unless they feel like they have to. Shame on the leftist sh*tc*nts who run public school districts for making her feel like she had to.

As you watch, keep two things in mind. People like Joy Reid think she's racist. People like Don Lemon will attack and say she shouldn't make it about her.

I was told I have white privilege. How can a child born in an abusive drug and alcohol abuse home, who lost her entire biological family, that has experienced all forms of abuse … be privileged?

If you found a child at fifteen months in a home with holes in the floor eating cat poop, would you consider them privileged? Just asking because when I was told that, I was so upset I cried myself to sleep.

Videos like this are helpful and necessary. Hopefully, it encourages others to speak out about what's going on in their local government. Parents tend to get angry when you come after their kids. It's getting to be a time where we take the camera off the speakers and put them on the school board members listening. Have them explain if they feel bad at all over what they're putting students like this brave girl through. Force them to have to explain what education value these various examples of rebranded Marxism they want to indoctrinate student with have.

Also, and this is a big one, expose just how many board members and school superintendents have kids in the districts they're destroying. If they even have any kids at all.

There is a cultural movement brewing on the local level. Diverse groups of parents and students are starting to speak out. Keep amplifying them.

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