Monday, June 14, 2021

Biden Czar: Blame Americans Not Sacrificing Enough for the Pandemic

Biden Czar: Blame Americans Not Sacrificing Enough for the Pandemic
Brodigan - June 14, 2021 at 01:29PM

Andy Slavitt was Joe Biden's COVID czar. He's the guy Biden put in charge of advising him on 'rona things. To be clear, he's NOT the guy who thought another 4- to 6-week lockdown would be dope. Slavitt is the idiot who couldn't explain why Florida was kicking California's ass by ignoring Fauci. Slavitt is making the rounds to discuss the new book on leadership failure throughout the pandemic. There's a healthy amount of Trump blaming. Also, he blames you. It's your fault for not being willing to sacrifice enough.

We need to look at one another and ask what we need to do better next time. In some retrospect, being able to sacrifice for one another to get through this and to save more lives is going to be essential. That's something that I think we could all have done better on.

The American people sacrificed more than enough during the past sixteen months plus fifteen days. They sacrificed their jobs and their livelihoods. Businesses have been permanently shuttered. Kids lost entire years of school and sacrificed their mental well-being.

Do you know who hasn't sacrificed much at all? The media and government bureaucrats.

What gets me isn't so much the pious, sanctimonious, elitist douchebaggery of lecturing Americans that they should have sacrificed more. It's the pious, sanctimonious, elitist douchebaggery of lecturing Americans they're gonna need to sacrifice more better the next time. They're not saying "if" this happens again. They're saying WHEN this happens again. Slavitt sounds like he's already planning to tell us to shelter in place again in the fall, you know, just in case the 'rona or any of its new varients comes back.

Yeah, no. A lot of us fell for this the last time. Americans have already sacrificed our fair share. There's not going to be a next time.

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