Monday, June 21, 2021

Meghan McCain Unloads Over 'Catholic' Joe Biden's Horrendous Pro-Abortion Argument

Meghan McCain Unloads Over 'Catholic' Joe Biden's Horrendous Pro-Abortion Argument
Brodigan - June 21, 2021 at 01:21PM

"McCain" turns out to be a Gaelic word that means "Maverick." Unfortunately for the longest time that meant John McCain selling out Republicans. But for Meghan McCain, it means pushing back against the leftist harpies on The View. Or, at least when they aren't discussing Trump things. When it comes to being anti-abortion, McCain is pretty solid and the only sane voice in the room.

At issue is the Catholic bishop's preventing "Catholic" Joe Biden from receiving communion due to his pro-abortion beliefs. Biden says that while he's "personally" anti-abortion, it's not his place to tell others. That's a swampy way of saying "I don't want to piss off feminists and Planned Parenthood who give me lots of money." Meghan calls bull cookies.

For someone who claims to be pro-life, I don't understand this argument. It's like saying, "I'm personally opposed to murder, but if you want to murder a little bit, it's fine because it's not my problem." It doesn't register with me. I don't get it, so it's ultimately up to the church, but he's walking a very fine line here, and ultimately, all of these issues are life and death for Catholics, for devout Christians, and he's going to have to ultimately talk to his creator when the time comes, as we all do, and reconcile his politics with his — with his personal faith, and I believe that he's doing grave spiritual harm to himself and harm to this country.

Thank you, Meghan Mcain. Someone had to say it. And she's someone who actually likes the guy.

As for Biden's excuse, we'll see how long that lasts. He belongs to the same party that changed "safe, legal, and rare" to "yassss kween, shout your abortions!" I can't imagine the pink hats are thrilled he said he's personally opposed to aboortion. That invalidates their need to be praised as they abort. I give it until the end of the month for Biden to apologize and start offering to to turn the Lincoln Bedroom into a Planned Parenthood branch.

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