Thursday, June 24, 2021

Samantha Bee Attempts Coming After Ron DeSantis, Fails as Badly as She Does at Late-Night Comedy

Samantha Bee Attempts Coming After Ron DeSantis, Fails as Badly as She Does at Late-Night Comedy
Brodigan - June 24, 2021 at 11:43AM

Democrats must have realized Ron DeSantis is a threat and emailed influencers to attack him with their talking points. You know they do it. Mike Rowe exposed them doing it back in 2016. Alleged late-night comic Samantha Bee must have gotten the memo. Whatever the reason, she decided today was the day to attack Ron DeSantis.

Tell me these don't sound like they came straight from a Democrat PR firm. And that Bee didn't just revise a few words like you would when you cut and paste paragraphs on school reports.

Ah, see? DeSantis is just like Trump. Only not like Trump. Because he doesn't do Trump things. But it's important to still tie him to Trump. For no other reason than Trumpity Trumpy Trump. Also, the word "dick."

All of the riots by leftists say that the bill was in fact a necessary law. A law where Ron DeSantis drew a clear line between "peaceful protest" and "violent riot egged on by a Marxist political organization." He even provided visual aids that even chuckleheads like Bee should be able to follow. "Peaceful protest" is the clear Democrat talking point. She just threw in a joke about Florida to make it her own.

I'm confused. Because I thought the theory she's talking about wasn't an actual thing and that the people complaining about it were too dumb to know that. Democrats appear to have elevated to DEFCON 5: It's real, and you're a racist. Of which Ron DeSantis clearly isn't when you hear his comments explaining his opposition. His voter integrity bill isn't racist either. Democrats have been calling voting integrity races for decades, so there's no surprise here. Bee couldn't think of anything to add. She just added the word "racist" one more time.

And there it is. Stop DeSantis 2024. Signaling Democrats have already given up on stopping DeSantis 2022. David Hogg is somewhere crying into his unsold pillow inventory.

If Democrats have already activated celebrities, it's obvious that DeSantis has them worried about 2024. The irony in "totes spontaneous" tweet threads like this from Samantha Bee is that they only make support for who they're attacking stronger. If leftists are this scared this early, America's Governor is doing something right.

We'll see what celeb starts tweeting next. My money is on Alyssa Milano.

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