Monday, June 28, 2021

Thought Police: Public Official Advocates Public Gathering Ban to Stop Spread of 'Unauthorized Information'

Thought Police: Public Official Advocates Public Gathering Ban to Stop Spread of 'Unauthorized Information'
Brodigan - June 28, 2021 at 08:59AM

Canada has lost its mind. The things we assume leftist sh*tc*nts in our country think, Canuckleheads actually say out loud. Religious pastors get arrested. The prime minister openly says there is a great opportunity to reset the global economy. Also, in Canada, getting Big Tech companies to throttle information the government doesn't want you to see isn't enough. People may still meet in public and spread "unauthorized information." So ban public gatherings.

Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer Robert Strang isn't saying that's the REASON for the public gathering ban. It's just an added benefit he's totally okay with.

I think the other purpose of the injunction is to prevent groups that are spreading deliberately false information that create risk. The information itself if listened to creates risk to the public as well. There certainly is a need to manage that misinformation campaign as well.

Canada is afraid of people meeting in public out of fear of what they might say to each other. That what the people say might not be approved by the government. Everything Americans were concerned about when this whole ordeal started (like my editor Courtney) is actually happening in Canada. Now including the thought police.

Canada is our warning, America. Canada is what happens when you give up rights to the government. The people who run Joe Biden are no different from the people who run Canada. The key difference is that Canadians are okay with it and allow it to happen. Don't think the Biden administration won't want to police what we say to each other in the park or at the mall as well.

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