Friday, June 25, 2021

'Privilege Walks'?!: Dan Crenshaw's First Woke Military Whistleblower Testimony Is Insane

'Privilege Walks'?!: Dan Crenshaw's First Woke Military Whistleblower Testimony Is Insane
Brodigan - June 25, 2021 at 07:26AM

Congressman Dan Crenshaw set up a whistleblower hotline allowing service members an opportunity to expose the woke crap being forced upon them by the Biden administration. There are two schools of thought. Some people believe the military should be focused on things that matter, like defending our country. Other people, the people who run Joe Biden, view the military as an institution and all institutions should be infested with their radical political agenda. The result is this story from an Air Force member.

Instead of learning how to fly, they're learning how to isolate each other by skin color.

Commands were given: "If you are white, take a step forward." "If you are male, take a step forward." And so on, through every possible point of privilege one might have according to their intersectional hierarchy.

It's a Marxist version of "Mother May I." We have our military playing children's games so woke white liberals feel good about themselves.

The training was designed to physically separate people, and more or less demean and diminish the success of those with "privilege." They didn't get where they are based on their own merit. Which is a funny thing to do in the military, because that's what happens. You get by on your merit.

"Privilege walks" also don't even make sense using the twisted logic that created them. In the military, EVERYONE starts off at the same level. Regardless of what "privilege" you had before enlisting, once you sign the paperwork, you're a private and constantly reminded what a POS you are by your drill instructor. Everyone starts at the same place and grows from there.

It creates manufactured divisions in an environment that requires camaraderie and puts down certain service members ...

The white ones with wieners.

... over others not on merit, but on skin color or gender. When did it ever become the mission of the military to force service members to confront their so-called "privilege?"

January 20, 2021.

What value does this provide?

Zero. Unless you count the orgasmic feeling progressive sh*tc*nts get from reveling in the smell of their own flatulence. But as for actual value that matters to normal people? Zero.

It's also gross and detrimental to the mission. If you enlist in the armed services, you're being prepared to go to war if need be. You need to be able to trust that your brothers have your back if you find yourself in life-or-death situations. Crap like this coming from the Biden administration does nothing but create resentment and animosity where it didn't exist before. But hey. As long as people working in the White House who get their news from reading too much Vox fan fiction feel good about themselves, that's all that really matters!

This is just the first story. I can't imagine what comes next.

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