Saturday, June 12, 2021

Hamas Issues Statement Thanking Ilhan Omar for Her Support But Question Her Accuracy: Report

Hamas Issues Statement Thanking Ilhan Omar for Her Support But Question Her Accuracy: Report
Brodigan - June 12, 2021 at 08:32AM

Allegedly, Hamas just sent out a press release thanking Rep. Ilhan Omar for her kind words supporting Palestinians. However, they wish her antisemitism went a little further. There's already been an increase in antisemitic attacks and some blame the comments made by Omar and the rest of the squad. I doubt this reported press release will help matters.

The translation:

The recent statements of Mrs. Ilhan Omar, a member of the US House of Representatives, in which she equated the victim with the executioner, are very surprising, as she equated the resistance of the Palestinian people on the one hand, and the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Palestine and the American aggression in Afghanistan on the other.

We appreciate Mrs. Ilhan Omar's stances in defending justice and the rights of the oppressed around the world, foremost of which are the just rights of our Palestinian people, but we deplore this unfair combination that is contrary to justice and international law. The Palestinian people have been living under the Zionist occupation for more than seven decades.

At issue is Omar's recent comments in a congressional hearing, where she equated America and Israel with terrorists like Hamas. Some Democrats denounced her for it. Other Democrats said, "YASSSSS! YOU GO GIRL! SLAY QUEEN!!!!" Omar was forced to have someone write a clarification for her. Hamas likes many of her other comments, but feel she could have been more specific and accurate in what she said in the hearing. Also, it sounds like they're upset she compared them to Jews.

Could it be trolling? Sure. A lot of us are relying on Google translate. There are some on Twitter who believe this is just the organization giving her cover. Others think they're taking more of a thanks but no thanks approach. Also, Hamas has a press office? They could have just walked down the hall and used the Associated Press like they normally do. I'm sure the American media is circling the wagons around the congresswoman as we speak.

We'll see what develops, but I'll leave you with a rhetorical exercise. Vladimir Putin just did an interview with NBC News where Putin had nice things to say about our former president. I fully expect our media to claim it's proof Trump is a Russian asset or something. Hamas just gave a shout-out to a CURRENT congresswoman. Let's see how this gets covered. If at all.

from Steven Crowder Says