Thursday, June 17, 2021

New Critical Race Theory Poll: Good News for Parents, Bad News for Liberals Who Support CRT

New Critical Race Theory Poll: Good News for Parents, Bad News for Liberals Who Support CRT
Brodigan - June 17, 2021 at 09:32AM

Critical race theory, the new brand name Marxists gave to Marxism, has grown into a contentious issue in America. The liberals pushing it are discovering that the American people think it's wrong to divide students by race and play them off against each other. Parents are actually angry at the idea and think schools shouldn't teach what liberals are calling "anti-racism" by being racist. Go figure!

The story of opposition to CRT has so far been told by angry parents and woke school board members who wish they could revoke parents' First Amendment rights. Now, there's data! According to a recent Economist/YouGov poll:

  • Americans reject critical race theory: 38% favorable, 58% unfavorable.
  • Intensity of the opposition: 25% very favorable 53% very unfavorable.
  • Good or bad for America: 37% good, 55% bad, 8% neither.
  • Party breakdown somewhat/very unfavorable: 9% Democrat, 15% liberal, 54% moderate, 76% independent, 91% Republican and conservative.

Obviously, the answer for leftists trying to exploit our children to push CRT is to rebrand their rebranded Marxism with something else. Normally they'd go with their reliable tactic of accusing anyone of disagreeing with them of being racist. But that's increasingly hard to do with an increasingly diverse group of parents exposing them.

It's back to the drawing board for leftists, progressives, and all the other Marxists running Joe Biden. I can't wait to see how the left tries to rebrand its failed indoctrination attempts now. Also, how long before Big Tech starts blocking criticism of CRT, claiming it's a "conspiracy" theory of the type. You know that's coming.

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