Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Allegedly American Transgender Olympian: I Wanna Win Gold so I Can Burn the American Flag

Allegedly American Transgender Olympian: I Wanna Win Gold so I Can Burn the American Flag
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 07:13AM

Chelsea Wolfe recently qualified for USA Olympic Freestyle BMX Team. Yes, riding your bicycle is an Olympic event now. That's not the offensive thing here. Offensive is Wolfe's main goal for making the Olympic team. She at one point wanted to win gold just so she could burn the American flag.

You see, Wolfe is also transgender. I'm not sure in which direction. Unlike with beautiful and brave trans weightlifter Laurel Hubbard competing against women, the "cheating" element isn't what's offensive here. In March 2020, Wolfe in a now-deleted Facebook post shared an article about how biological boys shouldn't compete against biological girls in school sports, adding: "My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a US flag on the podium. This is what they focus on during a pandemic. Hurting trans children."

Without knowing what actual article she was sharing, I'm going to assume it wasn't about "hurting trans children" as much as it was protecting girls from having opportunities taken from them. Something most Americans agree is a bad thing. There are some who disagree with me and most Americans. America is awesome like that.

When reached for comment about her now-deleted post, Wolfe told Fox News that she "works hard to represent the United States in international competition to show the world ... that it's not all of the bad things that we're known for" and that she "takes a stand against fascism because I care about this country." Unclear is how exactly it's fascist to acknowledge science and biology and admit that biological males have competitive advantages over biological girls. Also unclear is if, upon winning a gold medal in bike riding. she still plans to burn the American flag.

I'm a charitable guy. It was a long 2020 for all of us. March 2020 was in the initial fifteen days to flatten the curve and people were emotional. Wolfe could have just been angry at the news. We all get angry at the news. Sure, we don't get "wanna burn the American flag" angry at the news because not all of us are assholes. But I'll give Wolfe the benefit of the doubt and say she was just in a bad mood one day in March 2020.

More troubling is that IF Wolfe actually did burn the flag at the gold medal ceremony, the number of people in the media who would support her for it.

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