Wednesday, June 23, 2021

White People Take Part in Bizarre, Cult-Like 'Anti-Racism' Ritual

White People Take Part in Bizarre, Cult-Like 'Anti-Racism' Ritual
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 11:32AM

If Democrats follow their usual script, they'll make opposition to CRT out to be a bunch of angry white people. This would of course ignore the diverse group of black and brown people, both fathers and mothers, who are speaking out as well. But fine, let's play by the left's rules. Let them point out the angriest, whitest group of people they can find. I'll counter with this creepy and bizarre cult of "whiteness" bowing to the almighty genderless god of wokeness.

Hats off to this impressive collection of mayonnaise-looking specimens. It takes courage to go out and shed yourself of all dignity and intelligence. I can never do it. But y'all keep on keeping on.

Don't know where or when this video takes place, other than it's a solid find from NotTheBee. I've got ten bucks that say not a single one of these, to quote urban vernacular, "cracker-ass crackers" know a single black person. The girl at the Java Hut whose manager they complained to about after getting their latte order wrong doesn't count. But they read a book and had no other friends. They saw a group of people practicing what looked like yoga in the park and joined in. They had no idea they were joining a cult. It happens to everyone.

Let's cut a deal. The Marxists and other Democrat activists can have Joe Biden and these people. We'll take the group composed of all races and all genders who DON'T think we should be teaching our kids to hate each other. Sound fair?

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