Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cop Forced to Return Fire Against Armed Attacker, His Emotional Breakdown Needs to Be Seen

Cop Forced to Return Fire Against Armed Attacker, His Emotional Breakdown Needs to Be Seen
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 11:01AM

Leftists from the Joe Biden administration on down to the media would have you believe that shooting people is easy on police. Cops will just pull their guns out all willy-nilly and shoot at anyone who looks at them sideways. That's what we're led to believe. Ignoring the split second they have to make life-or-death decisions. Ignoring the emotional turmoil law enforcement officers find themselves in because of what they're forced to see. This video is a real-time example of what cops really go through.

This took place in Michigan at a traffic stop. A suspect rolled up to the officer and opened fire. At which point, the officer was forced to shoot back. Notice his reaction. He didn't laugh. He didn't high-five the other officer. He COLLAPSED in anguish.

Police report that the officer "was fired upon by the lone occupant of a vehicle who drove up to him at the traffic point. Upon taking fire, the officer returned fire, striking the suspect." The suspect's sister told reporters that she "feels horrible for the officer" who did it and is not upset at him or anyone else, adding "nobody deserves to see or experience that."

Newsflash: Killing people isn't fun. Being put in life-or-death situations isn't something police officers live for. Incidents like this are in the back of every cop's head when they leave their house every morning and kiss their family goodbye. This officer's reaction is the REAL reaction when these horrible incidents occur.

Something to keep in mind the next time the media finds a new anti-ccop narrative to leech on to.

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from Steven Crowder Says