Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Joe Biden Gives Putin List of Sixteen Things Off-Limits to Cyberattacks. ONLY Sixteen?

Joe Biden Gives Putin List of Sixteen Things Off-Limits to Cyberattacks. ONLY Sixteen?
Brodigan - June 16, 2021 at 01:27PM

If Donald Trump ever said anything this stupid, all we'd hear from the media is how he sold out America to Putin. Then they'd go back to questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election. It appears that Joe Biden losing his train of thought yesterday was a preview of today's meeting. When President Puddingbrain met with Putin to discuss cybersecurity, he had a list of things that were totally off-limits to attack. There were only sixteen things on the list.

I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off-limits to attack. Period. By cyber all any other means. I gave him a list, if I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me, of sixteen specific entities. Sixteen defined as critical infrastructure.

Really, Mr. President? You gave him an entire list of sixteen things that he's not allowed to attack? So what? If Putin attacks something that wasn't on the list, that's fine?

This is a perfect example of how much the American media sucks at life as well. The president of the United States just bragged to the world that we gave our enemy a list of sixteen things our enemy isn't allowed to attack. NONE OF YOU F*CKING PEOPLE HAD A FOLLOW-UP QUESTION?

"Mr. President, what happens if he attacks something not on the list? Are you okay with that?"

"Mr. President, what if Putin attacks something that was on your list anyway? You know, because he's Vladimir F'n Putin and knows you're a pussy?"

Most mind-boggling is that President Puddingbrain started his presser, as is increasing customary, with a list of people to call on and the order in which to call on them. There is no reason to believe these questions and answers weren't prepared ahead of time. WITH PREPARATION, Joe Biden thought giving a foreign official a list of sixteen things he claimed are off-limits to cyberattacks made him look good. No, Mr. President. You look like an idiot.

But at least Biden doesn't tweet mean things. Here's hoping Twitter wasn't on the list of sixteen.

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