Friday, June 18, 2021

'Are You Serious?': Parent Wrecks School Board Members Who Claim He Can't Succeed Because of 'White Folks'

'Are You Serious?': Parent Wrecks School Board Members Who Claim He Can't Succeed Because of 'White Folks'
Brodigan - June 18, 2021 at 07:34AM

A cornerstone behind the rebranded Marxism called "CRT" is to tell kids with dark skin that they can't succeed because of kids with white skin. The only way to succeed is with the help of ... the adults with white skin telling them this. Not everyone who has dark skin agrees with this nonsense. Add to the list Ty Smith, an Illinois parent. Smith has come across many white folk in his time, yet none of them ever prevented him from succeeding in life. That includes as he obtained two medical degrees.

You're going to deliberately teach kids, 'This white kid right here got it better than you because he's white'? You're going to purposely tell a white kid that black people are all down and oppressed? How do I have two medical degrees if I'm sitting here oppressed?

"He's the exception to the rule." - white liberals watching this video.

No, he is the rule. All Americans have the opportunity to succeed if they decide to take it. The people telling certain groups of other people they can't succeed never want them to succeed. Because if those people do, they'll realize everything the people who told them that can't are liars and will stop voting for them. HINT: The bad group is the white liberals watching this video.

What kept me down? What oppressed me? I worked myself off the streets to where I am right now and you're going to sit here and tell me this lie of critical race theory? That this is the reason black folks can't get ahead, because of white folks? Are you kidding me?

When February comes around, don't talk about Martin Luther King. Don't talk about Black History Month if you're pretty much going to pee on his grave with this nonsense.

For the sake of "airing out both sides," there is a blue checkmark who is questioning the two medical degrees because Smith also posts YouTube videos. I guess he feels someone with two medical degrees wouldn't also react to Queen songs. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. But I will add that Queen's guitarist also has a medical degree, and it's not like the band hadn't already crossed over to the black community with "Another One Bites the Dust."

It doesn't take away from Ty's message, which is one I've always felt more black Americans believe outside the handful invited on CNN. I understand this is easy for me to say as someone who has resembled a jar of mayonnaise all his life, but if anyone told me I could never succeed without them allowing me, they'd be invited to smooch the buttcheek of their choosing. Yet in politics, the same people who keep getting re-elected pushing this message keep pushing the same message to get elected. At some point, it has to become clear they have no interest in you getting ahead.

More Americans of all the various non-me communities are becoming more vocal about it. You saw it with the inroads Donald Trump made with all those same communities, becoming one of the first Republicans to do so. You're seeing it as more and more parents show up at school board meetings to tell board members how much they suck at life.

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