Sunday, June 20, 2021

Belligerent Woman Attacks Convenience Store Clerk, Discovers Hard Way the Clerk's Got Hands

Belligerent Woman Attacks Convenience Store Clerk, Discovers Hard Way the Clerk's Got Hands
Brodigan - June 20, 2021 at 08:02AM

Austin is supposed to be the Texas city you keep weird. This video shows Dallas is in the hunt. One can only assume it was sometime after midnight because nothing good happens in convenience stores late at night. Not when the clerks are hermetically sealed behind the counter. Whether the added protection is to protect them from the 'rona, bullets, or a combination of both is unclear at this time. What is clear is that no matter how angry you are, when you aggressively push yourself into someone's safe space, their self-defense instincts take over.

In this woman's defense, how was she to know the clerks were trained in the ancient whoop that ass fighting style.

Standard viral video disclaimers apply, especially for one that has already been viewed close to two million times. There's obvious missing context, such as what happened to cause the woman to need to calm down. They say the customer is always right. Maybe she was justified in attacking the clerk. Maybe the clerks themselves have had to deal with one belligerent customer too many. They're trying to stop Asian hate while discovering the media is only interested in stopping Asian hate if the perpetrator is easily identifiable as a Trump supporter.

Maybe after the video, both sides took a breather, admitted they could have handled the situation differently, and are going out today for Texas BBQ in the name of unity and common ground. There's no dispute the BBQ can't fix!

The only thing clear is that the one dude has some serious hands. Get him to the nearest boxing club.

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