Monday, June 14, 2021

Brother of Austin Mass Shooting Victim Speaks Out, Blames Defund the Police Movement

Brother of Austin Mass Shooting Victim Speaks Out, Blames Defund the Police Movement
Brodigan - June 14, 2021 at 07:54AM

Douglas John Kantor has been named as the one casualty of a shooting in Austin over the weekend that saw thirteen others injured. Douglas was twnety-five years old.

His brother, Nick, took to his Facebook page to let friends and family know. He also shared his thoughts on how he believes this happened.

Doug's murder was a result of 2 cowards who didn't have the balls to put their fists up nor the skill with a firearm to hit each other(illegal firearm) as well as a lack of resources available to police to properly patrol/take preventative measures to prevent this Tragedy. The lack of resources is due to funding cut by the DEFUND THE POLICE movement put in place by the current administration. I would like this to be known because that same political party/administration will more than likely try to spin this into a gun control issue instead of what it really was which was a lack of resources for the police to do their job and save my brother's life.

For fact checking's sake, even though there has been an increase in crime in liberal cities that have defunded their police, the current administration did not sign a DEFUND THE POLICE bill into law. Though, one can draw reasonable conclusions as to what side of the issue they're on. It's also reasonable to believe Biden would use this as an excuse for more gun restrictions and/or confiscation.

The open question is how much attention this shooting will even get. It doesn't follow the preferred media narrative. The Austin-American Statesman, one of the top papers in Texas, announced this weekend it is suppressing the description of the suspect still at large. HINT: The description released by the police was NOT that of a white male with a crew cut, wearing a red MAGA cap, with a skinny build. Otherwise, I'm sure we'd all be having a different conversation on cable news this morning.

Thoughts and prayers go out to the Kantor family. Both for what they are going through now, and also that Douglas' killer is quickly brought to justice.

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