Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Miss New Jersey Contestant Shocks Judges with Patriotic Rant Opposing College Censorship

Miss New Jersey Contestant Shocks Judges with Patriotic Rant Opposing College Censorship
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 09:56AM

Beauty pageant contestants aren't given a lot of credit for their knowledge of things and stuff. "Empty is the head that wears the crown" is not just a line from Steel Magnolias (I was a stage manager in high school). You look pretty, stand straight, and wave. In some instances, you apologize for not knowing how big of a racist you were three decades earlier. When it comes to speaking, you recite a carefully worded script based on what the judges want to hear. Or, you could be Justine Brooke Murray and trigger the judges with pro-America sentiment.

Murray was to give a "social impact statement." Ten bucks say the judges were expecting something about how systemic racism is the cause for climate-changing transgender high school athletes. Instead, she gave a STRONG statement defending free speech and opposing college censorship.

Some nuggets of bodaciously based braincandy:

"Our generation is experiencing an epidemic of censorship and entitlement. And it's because our professors and our celebrities are teaching students to be narcissists, to believe that any view that differs from their own is an existential threat." ...

"Without [Free Speech], all other liberties crumble. But today, we're watching free speech get hammered to the ground by the very institutions that are supposed to promote diversity of thought."

The judges obviously didn't care for it. She didn't win. But there's a mini-army of college students all across America who have run into the same problems. Kids go to college expecting to learn and/or party. Instead, they find out that any thought outside of what their professors want them to think is racist and wrong. In some cases, it reminds them too much of the communist country they fled.

Justine may have lost the pageant. But she still did an enormous amount of winning on stage.

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