Saturday, June 26, 2021

Parent Exposes Anti-America Hate Liberals Want to Teach Kids, Provides Specific Examples

Parent Exposes Anti-America Hate Liberals Want to Teach Kids, Provides Specific Examples
Brodigan - June 26, 2021 at 07:42AM

Sue Zoldak addressed the Fairfax school board. This meeting wasn't as heated as some of the others we've seen. She said what she wanted to say, then left. There's a racially diverse group of parents concerned about what's being forced on their children. Zoldak provided examples of the insane things the school board is at least mandating on teachers.

Zoldak comes in around the 1:35:00 mark. Please note the lack of her, what the left calls, "whiteness." Democrats have reached the "call opponents raaaaaaacist" stage of the game.

DEFUND Public Schools! PATRIOTS Obliterate Their School Board | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says