Thursday, June 17, 2021

Artist Debuts New Bronze George Floyd Statue with a Bench So You Can Sit Next to George Floyd

Artist Debuts New Bronze George Floyd Statue with a Bench So You Can Sit Next to George Floyd
Brodigan - June 17, 2021 at 01:17PM

I had thought after the Derek Chauvin trial, all the shameless pandering would be over and done with. And that we wouldn't have to talk about George Floyd anymore. Most of the people protesting in his name could barely remember what his name was. A judge rendered his decision. The big bad cop was going to jail. It should be over with. But no, George Floyd will never be over. Because in Newark, outside of city hall, they just installed a bronze statue of George Floyd. Sitting on a park bench. So that you could sit down next to George Floyd and I guess have a conversation with him.

Why anyone would want to do that I have no f*cking idea.

The 700-pound statue was commissioned by filmmaker Leon Pickney, created by artist Stanley Watts, and donated to Newark. Newark, New Jersey. 1,187 miles from Minneapolis where George Floyd was living his best life of popping fentanyl and sticking guns in pregnant women's stomachs.

For the love of all that is good and sweet in Odin's beard, a bronze statue? There's has to be some common ground that says Floyd didn't deserve to die and agreeing with the Chauvin verdict, while also acknowledging that Floyd was a scumbag. And maybe the lionizing of him into sainthood with murals is a bit much. Now we have a bronze statue. So that if you're ever having trouble and confused, you have a place to sit down, reflect, and ponder "what would George Floyd do?"

The funny thing is that this is Newark, so I fully expect the monument to George Floyd's hopes and dreams will be vandalized and tagged up by the weekend. If not stolen.

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