Monday, June 21, 2021

Five Things to Know About TTransgender Olympic Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard

Five Things to Know About TTransgender Olympic Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard
Brodigan - June 21, 2021 at 11:28AM

Watch where you step. There are shards of glass everywhere you look from the ceiling that's just been shattered. Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard became the first transgender Olympic athlete and was named to the New Zealand team. A decision that, like much having to do with formerly biological men competing in women's sports, comes with some controversy. But who is Laurel Hubbard? What makes her tick? Is she both beautiful AND brave, or just one or the other? Here are five things to know.

1. She used to be a he.

Laurel, a girl, was born Gavin, a guy. Gavin Hubbard was also a competitive weightlifter. Until 2012, when Gavin became Laurel. Laurel still competes in weightlifting competition, only now against women. Because Laurel is a woman, unlike Gavin, who was a guy.

2. Laurel has been kicking lady ass for a few years.

Laurel burst on the scene winning an International title in 2017 and ended the year placing second in the world's championship. Competing against women, of which Laurel was one now. In 2018 she snapped her elbow during competition but has since recovered and is all set for the Tokyo games.

3. The Olympics changed the rules for her.

In order for Hubbard to compete, the Olympic committee changed the qualifying guidelines and set an acceptable level of testosterone for women to have prior to committing. Prior to this, having elevated testosterone compared to the people you were competing against was considered cheating.

4. Other female weightlifters have been told to calm down about her.

They are some weightlifters who have been women their entire lives who feel it is unfair for Hubbard, who used to compete as a male, to now be competing as a female. Reports surfaced a few months ago that some of those competitors were advised not to speak out.

"We're all about equality for women in sport but right now that equality is being taken away from us.
"I've had female weightlifters come up to me and say, 'What do we do? This isn't fair, what do we do?' Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do because every time we voice it we get told to be quiet."

5. Laurel just wants to be treated with respect.

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