Tuesday, June 15, 2021

'Defamatory and Unacceptable': Cop Sues NFL Over League's 'Say Their Names' Social Justice Campaign

'Defamatory and Unacceptable': Cop Sues NFL Over League's 'Say Their Names' Social Justice Campaign
Brodigan - June 15, 2021 at 12:58PM

As part of the NFL's ongoing effort to pander to social justice activists, the organization launched its "Say Their Stories" campaign. The names of black people allegedly killed by police officers were honored with tweets and helmet decals. One of those names is Dreasjon Reed. We'll assume the NFL uncritically went by a list given to it by activists without actually reading any of the stories. They should have done their research. Because now the cop in question, De'Joure Mercer, is suing them hard. From the complaint:

De'Joure Mercer is a hero. He tracked down a very dangerous criminal wanted by the police, who was a threat to the citizens of Indianapolis. He put his life on the line and was nearly killed in that effort. He was completely exonerated after an exhaustive investigation into the death of Mr. Reed. For NFL Enterprises then to suggest he was involved in police or racist misconduct is totally false, defamatory and unacceptable. What happened here has nothing to do with racism.

The story is as follows. Mercer shot Reed after a vehicle chased turned into pursuit on foot. According to an investigation into the incident, Reed fired at the officer first and Mercer was shooting in self-defense. According to Reed's family and their lawyer, Reed didn't shoot first. A grand jury agreed with the investigation. Leftist activists agree with the narrative presented to them. By the NFL "honoring" Reed, they're essentially declaring Mercer guilty of something no one in the organization was smart enough to look up. This isn't the only example of the NFL not doing a simple Google search. Just the first lawsuit.

Mercer wants a trial and compensatory damages. The reason for the lawsuit is to stand up for other police officers who could find themselves on trial by the kangaroo court of Twitter and wokeness, adding, "Before you accuse a decorated police officer of misconduct in a national campaign, you had better get your facts straight."

Good. And I hope Mercer isn't the only police officer to do so. "Boycotting" the NFL over stuff like this won't move the needle. Letting the league and every other woke corporation know there are financial consequences for caving to the radical left will.

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