Wednesday, June 23, 2021

'Good Messaging WORKS': Dan Crenshaw Wants Conservatives to Take a Bow for Defeating Stacey Abrams

'Good Messaging WORKS': Dan Crenshaw Wants Conservatives to Take a Bow for Defeating Stacey Abrams
Brodigan - June 23, 2021 at 08:10AM

Stacey Abrams has been the face of Democrats' "any voter law is literally racist" schtick. Also, the wind beneath the wings of BlueAnon conspiracy theorists who still have yet to accept the results of the 2018 Georgia election. Democrats claimed the Georgia voting integrity bill was Jim Crow 2.0 because Abrams told them to. Yet now the failed gubernatorial candidate claims she is all about mandatory voter ID. What changed? According to Dan Crenshaw, conservatives did.

On the one hand I am enjoying this ridiculous 180 from these people. On the other hand it's important to point out that good messaging WORKS. We've all been pounding this message about common sense voter ID and Americans were listening. Not even dishonest Democrat politicians could fight it any longer.

Voter ID is NOT Racist: Change My Mind. Amirite? Conservatives have been effective in our messaging about voter ID and how the only racists are Democrats who think minorities aren't able to obtain an ID to vote. The result? As soon as Abrams was given a lifeline to flip-flop on the issue, she took it.

Democrats know they are on the wrong side of voting reforms. And that while the "For the People Act" Republicans blocked is popular with the D+43 congressional district know as Twitter, most Americans oppose it. It's why so many Democrats were happy to hide behind Joe Manchin. It's also why so many will be crying about filibuster reform, yet none will have much to say about another vote on the voting "reform" bill none of them wanted to vote for.

Messaging works, and conservatives are winning it. Keep it up.

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