Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Doctor Attacks Jon Stewart, Claims He's Damaging Science by Telling Jokes

Doctor Attacks Jon Stewart, Claims He's Damaging Science by Telling Jokes
Brodigan - June 16, 2021 at 07:21AM

Jon Stewart went against a popular leftist narrative and told jokes on Monday. The reaction was as predicted. Conservatives appreciated the craftsmanship and quality of the joke and found bringing "humor" back to late-night was a refreshing change of pace. Liberals got upset because conservatives were enjoying something and blamed Jon Stewart for it. Also, the comedian expressed an opinion they don't like, which is a big no-no for progressives. And while woke Twitter having sore hindparts is always good for laughs, let's talk about Dr. Peter Hotez.

Dr. Hotez is an expert in the field of a certain V-word that gets you dinged on Facebook. According to this guy, Jon Stewart wasn't just problematic. What he said was damaging to the entire science community.

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from Steven Crowder Says