Monday, June 21, 2021

Awesome 9-Year-Old Girl Disembowels School Board for Lying to Her About 'No Politics in Schools'

Awesome 9-Year-Old Girl Disembowels School Board for Lying to Her About 'No Politics in Schools'
Brodigan - June 21, 2021 at 07:02AM

Back in the day, I wrote a letter to the dean of my school complaining about regulating how long boys' hair was allowed to be. It was during my metalhead phase. My dad yelled at me for speaking out and not just shutting up. Thankfully for this 9-year-old patriot, her parents are more supportive of her speaking out against injustices. "Based Bethany" takes issue with the political propaganda placed in the hallway as she navigates the third grade.

But there's a twist! She already addressed the school board and was told that there were to be no political posters on the walls of her school. Including that of a certain bitterly partisan political organization that claims some lives matter. When B.B. went to the principal, she was told the school board was the one who put the posters up. B.B. was pissed, to put it mildly.

There should be no BLM in schools, period. It does not matter the color you make the posters or the fonts you use. We all understand the meaning. It is a political message about getting rid of police officers, rioting, burning buildings down while King Governor Walz ...

OK, it looks like we're in Minnesota. Maybe she knows this kid.

... just sits on his throne and watches. We all know. Changing the font or the color of posters does not change the meaning. I am NINE YEARS OLD and I know that.

"But Brodigan, isn't it wrong to exploit children for politics?"

But fictional progressive asking a theoretical question, you get your science from a Swedish teenager and make high schoolers the face of your gun-grabbing agenda. No one is launching a political movement around her. We're just enjoying a viral video and admiring a kid's courage to speak out against a progressive narrative.

It shouldn't take courage to believe you shouldn't be exposed to government propaganda while you're learning your multiplication tables. But it's a public school in a blue state. The school board members probably wrote her name in the Burn Book after she finished yelling at them. CNN has probably sent reporters to sneak into her home and count her Barbies to see how many of each ethnicity she has.

It would be nice if kids didn't have to worry about things like this. Back in a bygone era of a few years ago, they didn't have to. They just had to worry about going to school. But grown-ass leftist "adults" have decided to turn schools into indoctrination camps. The kids have a right to speak out against it.

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