Sunday, June 20, 2021

'Where'd All These Caskets Come From?': A Comedian's Epic Takedown of What Woke Military Really Looks Like

'Where'd All These Caskets Come From?': A Comedian's Epic Takedown of What Woke Military Really Looks Like
Brodigan - June 20, 2021 at 07:29AM

The people who run Joe Biden love themselves some cultural Marxism. If you're an aspect of American life, expect them to inject you with it against your will. That includes our military. You may think the sole aspect of the military is to protect the homeland, but you'd be wrong. Also, you'd be a [solve for x]phobic bigot.

But what does a more woke military mean? Lowering PT requirements? Defeating your enemy by signaling your virtue so bright it blinds them? Creating an educational curriculum you claim is just to teach people "slavery is bad," and NOT to indoctrinate people with your Marxist agenda? As JP Sears shows us, the answer to that question is ... yes!

The NFL Admits To Being RACIST...and WOKE!? | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says