Monday, June 28, 2021

American Hero Goes Viral for Perfect Three-Word Answer to CNN Asking: 'What's Your Name?'

American Hero Goes Viral for Perfect Three-Word Answer to CNN Asking: 'What's Your Name?'
Brodigan - June 28, 2021 at 07:44AM

The former president of the United States hit the road this weekend with a performance in Ohio. Much like Deadheads, his biggest fans who hang on his every word were there as well: CNN. The news-entertainment channel is desperate for a ratings bump. And even though the former president has been reminding CNN how much it sucks for decades, the network is desperate and has never been know for things like "integrity" or "dignity." Case in point: Brian Stelter.

Here CNN is trying to interview a fellow rallygoer. He answers in the only appropriate way.

CNN DOUCHE: What's your name?

MAGA BRO: My name is Go F*ck Yourself.

The cool drag off of a cigarette after really makes this video what it is.

This is the only way for anyone attending one of the former president's performances to respond to CNN. Any reporter, really. We all know reporters are the adversaries. We also know how dirty they play. You may be inclined to try to one-up them. Turn the tables and catch them in a lie or something. Always remember that at the end of the day, the media has editorial control and your words will be taken out of context. There is no way to take "go f*** yourself" out of context. The reporter just had to stand there and take it.

You can of course experiment with your answer and mix it up a bit. "Deez Nuts" is an acceptable name. Also, bonus points are rewarded for any reference to the sexual relations you just had with the reporter's mother. Have fun with it!

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from Steven Crowder Says