Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Local Reporter Accuses CBS of Discrimination LIVE in the Middle of Her Weather Report

Local Reporter Accuses CBS of Discrimination LIVE in the Middle of Her Weather Report
Brodigan - June 22, 2021 at 07:03AM

You have to hand it to James O'Keefe. Our dude had his Twitter taken away after exposing CNN for partisan hackery. A decision I'm sure CNN had nooooooo hand in. He was left without his usual outlet to promote his independent investigations into the media. So he managed to get reporters to do his job for him. Not only that but do it LIVE in the middle of their local news reports. The latest to do so is Detroit weatherbunny April Moss. She just announced, in the middle of her forecast, that she'll be blowing the whistle with O'Keefe this week.

Also, if you live in the area, enjoy those more comfortable temperatures moving in.

I will be sitting down this week with Project Veritas to discuss the discrimination that CBS is enforcing upon its employees. Tune into Project Veritas for my full story.

We'll see what the rousers of rabble at Project Veritas come up with. The last expose with a local reporter was heavy on a certain jab the government wants you to get and the left's sudden love affair with Big Pharma. A topic that wasn't exactly Facebook-safe. I'm curious to see what discrimination Moss has to share with us and whether it's personal or political.

The bigger unanswered question is just how horrible is it being a local TV reporter that you'd be willing to throw away your career like this? O'Keefe studied under the Andrew Breitbart learning tree and is fond of the "drip, drip, drip" style. He's got to have more than these two reporters ready to speak out.

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