Monday, June 28, 2021

Woman Confronts Spa After Man Exposes Himself in Women's Locker Room, Gets Told Man Is a Woman

Woman Confronts Spa After Man Exposes Himself in Women's Locker Room, Gets Told Man Is a Woman
Brodigan - June 28, 2021 at 07:15AM

Progressives hate women. They pretended not to when the former president was grabbing people in the no-no area and there were pink crocheted hats to sell. Then leftists found a more better marginalized group to pander to: biological men who identify as women. As biological women who identify as women see opportunity after opportunity taken from them, they're told by the left to shut up and calm down about it. They're also told to shut up and calm down when they see someone's penis flapping around in the women's locker room.

At least, that's what allegedly happened in this video. The woman was pissed. As you can imagine. When you're in a women's locker room, a wiener is the last thing you'd expect to see.

"What sexual orientation? I see a dick."

"No. He's not a transgender. He has a penis."

Of course, a male ally swooped in to save the day ... for the (alleged) man who was (allegedly) exposing his man bits in the locker room. The justifiably upset customer was not impressed with his argument.

"It must be hard not being a real man, huh? Try it."

Question for you ladies who identify as ladies AND have lady parts. Do you generally walk around locker rooms with your babymaking area exposed? Because in men's locker rooms, outside of a few creepy old dudes, we all at least wear a towel. There is no reason why a man who identifies as a woman shouldn't still cover up. It's not -phobic to expect some common courtesy.

Also, if a man who identified as a man whipped his nuts out in front of someone who didn't want to see those nuts, it would be self-defense for a woman to kick him there. Would it now be a hate crime if a woman kicked — *sigh* — "another woman" in the jimmy? These are the questions we — *sigh* — "need to ask ourselves" in the brave new world of 2021.

Or, and I'm just throwing this out there, women should be allowed to change in a locker room without seeing naked men running around.

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