Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Former President Announces Official Visit to Southern Border That Kamala Harris Won't Visit

Former President Announces Official Visit to Southern Border That Kamala Harris Won't Visit
Brodigan - June 16, 2021 at 06:44AM

Texas Governor Greg Abbott needs to build his own border wall to protect the southern border of his state. Traditionally, protecting the border is the job of the federal government. It is one of the few actual powers given to the feds in the Constitution. Our problem is that the federal government, i.e. Joe Biden, has created the crisis on the border that Abbott is dealing with. The governor needs to take matters into his own hands and is calling in reinforcements: The former president of the United States.

The former president will be making his first official visit on June 30, where he will be touring the border with Gov. Abbott. The former president also released a statement about his visit to the media since Big Tech took away all his other options of communicating.

Biden and Harris have handed control of our border over to cartels, criminals, and coyotes. Drug dealers, MS-13 gang members, human smugglers, sex traffickers, and the criminal elements of the world now have free reign [sic]. Hospitals and schools are getting crushed and public health is being sacrificed all in service of a radical left anti-borders agenda.

Illegal border crossings, among other metrics, have increased by hundreds of percentage points since Joe Biden was sworn in. When Biden ran out of ideas, he put Kamala Harris in charge of fixing the crisis on our border. A border that Harris has so far refused to visit. Though, she did have a disastrous trip to Central America. So bad that Harris and Biden insiders are starting to snipe at each other in the media. Our former president could very well visit the border before Kamala Harris makes her way to Texas.

It will be interesting to see how the media handle the trip. On one hand, they hate the former president. On the other hand, they are desperate for ratings. Methinks they go for the ratings, even if it means acknowledging that we do in fact have a southern border in crisis.

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