Monday, June 14, 2021

Five Times Joe Biden Embarrassed Himself and America at the G7

Five Times Joe Biden Embarrassed Himself and America at the G7
Brodigan - June 14, 2021 at 07:12AM

You no doubt spent your weekend detached from the news. Beers may have been crushed. Meat may have been grilled. Little League playoffs may have taught your kid that it really DOES matter who wins or loses. Sounds like a relaxing time. Besides, all you really missed in the news was President Joe Biden looking like a doddering old coot on the world stage.

The G7 was this weekend. Our top seven world leaders (and idiots dressed as Pikachu) met in England to discuss a year's worth of globalist goals. Joe Biden, a man who got more votes for president than anyone else in American history, decided to fly solo for a press conference. The word disaster doesn't cut it. Biden could only have looked worse if he crapped his pants and blamed the smell on Boris Johnson. Here are some highlights.

First is his usual word whisper of "getting into trouble with staff." He says this a lot before taking questions, and I get that he thinks he's being funny and relatable. But half the country already thinks Biden doesn't know where he is or remember who how he got there. Telling everyone you're being controlled and tightly scripted doesn't lend confidence to people that you're not.

I have no idea what he's trying to say here. He sounds like someone doing a Keith Richards impersonation on Saturday Night Live. "You got to go with the been with the been with the done."

Joe Biden Confuses Syria With Libya THREE TIMES

This last one is my favorite. It speaks for itself.

Covid ... I know you all know but a lot of people may not know what COVID is.

Yes, Mr. President. Sixteen months plus fifteen days after the fact, a lot of people still don't know the reason they've been locked in their homes. People may also not know, I know you were in England, but not everyone knows that America used to be a part of England. There was this thing called the American Revolution. Not everyone knows about that!

This is the guy who got more votes than anyone else in American history. He can't speak in public. He has anger issues. He gets distracted by shiny objects and/or little girls. He spent a weekend overseas with other world leaders, and you wonder if they'd didn't just tell him they were taking him to the England pavilion at Epcot.

But at least Joe Biden isn't a jerk on Twitter.

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