Friday, June 18, 2021

Sickening: Thug Assaults Elderly Man in Bodega Just to Steal His Walking Cane

Sickening: Thug Assaults Elderly Man in Bodega Just to Steal His Walking Cane
Brodigan - June 18, 2021 at 12:29PM

Crime in New York City is never surprising. When you defund the police and let criminals know there's next to no accountability for their actions, people put the "bad" in "bad guys." But some crimes are more sickening than others. The NYPD put out this video of an incident at a New York City bodega. A thug assaulted an 82-year old man and robbed him of his property.

His property was his walking cane.

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There is no sound in the video. For the sake of presenting both sides, maybe the elderly man who needs a cane to walk started it. I'm sure the suspect will claim that as an excuse. It's a popular one. But this video viewed as is leaves one lingering question.

You're a jerk if you assault someone. You're a criminal if you steal from them. You're a scumbag if you assault an elderly person. How big of a piece of garbage do you have to be to assault an old man ... and steal his walking cane? Is there a street value for stolen canes? Did this sh!thead just not steal anything else that day and needed to meet his quota?

The thug in question is threatening to punch the man while he has his hand on his WALKING CANE. It's not like he was trying to steal something else and grabbed the cane on the way out. He was TARGETING the cane.

It's hard to imagine the mistakes one would have to make in life to become this big of a piece of human excrement.

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